Saturday, June 02, 2007

New Series

Due to our move to Appleton, etc., I'm a little behind where I wanted to be with the next book. It's coming along well, but I'm not quite finished yet. So, for the next two weeks, I will post my thoughts on Genesis 1-11. These were originally written for a young teen study guide, so they're not as indepth as they could be, but you will still hopefully find them helpful and thought provoking.

In two weeks I will begin posting a series on 1 Corinthians, which is a deeply fascinating book.

Also, there have been a lot of people reading this; more people than I know. Just out of curiousity, if you've been reading these study guides, drop me a comment just to let me know. Thanks.



Anonymous said...

Hi, Mike!
This is Brandon Billman from the Champaign Church. I've only been able to go through three of your studies, but what I have read is crazy good! I really appreciate them and look forward to reading them all! (There are so many!!!) Oh, and I've been telling the brothers and sisters here about them so you'll have some more Illinois readers soon :)

Anonymous said...

Your parents read it too.
Love, Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...


I read your site on a weekly basis. I have shared you site with the small group I lead in the Fox Valley Church of Christ.
